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(281) 232-4400
Find Us At:
6410 Sansbury Boulevard Richmond, TX 77469
Preschool & Daycare Center serving Greatwood, Veranda, Bonbrook, StoneCreek, Summer Lakes, Williams Ranch, Walnut Creek, Riverpark, Canyon Gate & other nearby communities.
(281) 232-4400
6410 Sansbury Boulevard Richmond, TX 77469
The Kensington School was developed by a group of educators and youth developers who saw the need for an Early Childhood Educaon Center in the Sugar Land-RichmondHouston area that would draw on the best pracces of Montessori educaon and would combine these pracces with a focus on 21st century skills and technology . We believe that this will prepare students to start elementary school with an edge and be prepared for college and careers of the future.
Too many of the childcare centers in the area miss out on all of the opportunies to nurture the intellectual, social, cognive, physical, and emoonal development of the children in their care. We feel that the Montessori approach is a proven and compelling model, but several elements of the Montessori approach need to be updated to the 21st century. Moreover, the Sugar LandRichmond area does not seem to have the rich offerings in a,er school and summer programming that involve more innovave learning which are common in areas such as Silicon Valley.
Early childhood development centers should prepare students for the education demands of the future — which will require crical thinking, collaboraon, creavity, and communicaon — so that no ma0er where your child goes to school, he or she will be prepared to excel academically. Finally, early childhood educaon centers should integrate technology and should constantly be integrang cung edge educaonal pracces, such as brain based learning. Between them, the group of educators and youth development specialists who currently constute the Board of The Kensington School have: four Masters degrees in teaching and educaon; three other advanced degrees in Management and Law, including from Ivy League schools; years of experience teaching Montessori, elementary, and high school; trained other teachers; developed curriculum for other childcare centers, youth programs, and for high school students; operated summer youth camps; and served as execuves with three youth-serving organizaons including the YMCA and the Boys & Girls Clubs. Nadia Remtulla, the Director of The Kensington School, is a part of the founding group, sits on the Board, and is the School’s Director.
The Montessori method of educaon, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a childcentered educaonal approach based on scienfic observaons of children from birth to adulthood. Dr. Montessori’s Method has been me tested, with over 100 years of success in diverse cultures throughout the world. Dr. Montessori observed that children experience sensive periods, or windows of opportunity, as they grow. As these students develop, Montessori teachers match appropriate lessons and materials to these sensive periods when learning is most naturally absorbed and internalized. Montessori educaon offers children opportunies to develop their potenal so that they step out into the world as engaged, competent, responsible, and respec?ul cizens with an understanding and appreciaon that learning is for life. “Educaon is a natural process carri
The human brain begins forming three weeks a,er concepon, however it undergoes a lengthy life-long process in order to develop and grow.
Brain-Based Strategies:
Mirror Games
• 5 Senses Games
• Hide & Go Seek Objects
• Puzzles
• Sequence Games
• Rhyming Games
• Crawling/Walking Games
• Science Experiments • Making Music
• Touch & Feel Books
• Real Life Pracce (dressing, washing, eang, etc.)
The Kensington School’s mission is to integrate the Montessori philosophy with 21st century skills development pracces and cung-edge educaonal approaches to offer a program that is fun, addresses the needs of the whole child, and prepares our graduates to enter elementary school with a sound academic foundaon.
In order to compete and excel in the 21st century, children need to be equipped with the skills that will guarantee success in today’s world. That is why The Kensington School has purposefully integrated 21st century skills into the Montessori curriculum.
Puzzles– across content areas Matching– science, geography Sequencing-stories, science Solving everyday problems
Working with different children Working across age groups Problem-solving together Learning from one another
Using verbal & non-verbal Incorporang care & kindness Presenng learning Using manners
Using imaginaon-art, music, science Finding new ways to solve-problems